Sunday, 21 May 2017

Dear Ana, I can't live without you, but it's killing me to keep you alive

I'm just really upset with myself.

Went jogging today at prp and I had an epiphany - just hours ago, I was treading the same path with PZ at night, puffing away. And it's so ironic how I keep telling myself I want to be healthy, because the people around me are sickly, and I never want to be like them.

You think your health only affects you, and you give yourself reasons to relapse but that's just bullshit. When you grow old, when your bones weaken, when your body fails you, do you know who gets implicated instead? Your own damn family. And I hate how fucking irresponsible adults are, aren't they supposed to be the wise ones?

I don't wanna be like you. I don't ever want to follow your footsteps.

And I guess that means I'm making huge changes.

...oh who am I kidding

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