Sunday, 24 November 2013

I’m sending 1-4-3

Think I'm suffering from post HK trip syndrome.

Really had so much fun in the course of 6 days :')

And I miss the people so much, all the places, staying up until 2-3am plus every night, playing pool in the hotel, scaling gradients, hyper gossip sessions in the hotel, everything.

My only wish did come true after all.

Best moments happen when they are unplanned

Friday, 15 November 2013

and they spell her name like Lois Lane

Please please please, I hope I would be able to have fun during this journey. That's my only wish.


Watched 3 peas in a pod with Yiting, Weili and Ziying :)

Wow wow wow, I thought it was just gonna be another cheesy rom-com flick, but it's really good man. Never expected a SG film to be that good.

And it's funny, endearing and touching all packed into one. Worth a watch.

Then we had lunch at Ikea.


Had a friendly match at St Anthony's Canossian :)

Sunday, 10 November 2013

I might be anyone, a lone fool out in the sun, your heartbeat of solid gold


Had OP on Friday, and we were the third group.

Was feeling like a bundle of nerves because when it came to our turn, 2 external moderators and 2 internal moderators came in to see our presentation.

But thank goodness it has ended.

go to hell, pee doubz :')

Glad that my love-hate relationship with PW is over. But I think I'd miss my group mates a lot. It was a joyful day. Freedom reigns in my heart.


Went back to Hai Sing to help out with the SJAB room cleaning because PZ told me to go.

Was kind of regretting it at the beginning because.... well I've got to admit, I haven't been much of an exemplary senior since the start of 2013 because I rarely go back to help out. But the day turned out to be really good because of the people (Peipei, Phua, Sheryl, Carmen, Xianwen, Eric and the sec 2 and 3 juniors).

Moved the stuff from the basement to the canteen with the juniors and it was really enjoyable because they're such a crazy, funny bunch of people :') all the sick jokes and horseplay. And we wore masks and gloves because of the thick layer of dust everywhere.

I think I'm no longer afraid of the school's basement, can't believe I use to freak out all the time when I'm in there during the past 4 years in hscs. Hehehehe so brave already.

Then we washed the groundsheets and ice boxes and played around a bit.

We even set up a tent for fun hehehehe

The mess in the canteen.

We were famished so we ordered Domino's delivery. I ate like a beast.

Then we continued with packing the room until 5pm.

Went for dinner with Pei, XW and the sec 3s at Just Acia.

Good day :)

maybe, just maybe, I do miss St John a lil'.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Two feet standing on a principle. Two hands longing for each others warmth.

I can't wait to break-up with PW, I really can't :)

I'm gonna tell him to get out of my life this Friday, I'm so excited, I can't even...


Had to do the econs thing with 5 others, we all met at Bugis and had lunch together before starting work.

Was really tired after that.


Got new running kicks hehehehehe so happy, it's gonna be my motivation to run regularly now.

I'm gonna try to run at least twice a week now, and make sure each run is more than 3km.

Target: Run a full 10km by the end of next June. This is quite an impossible feat because I'm an expert at being inconsistent and procrastinating but I'll try.


Started on a new book

So far, so good.


Met up with Peizhen for an Ikea lunch date ;)

Went around playing with the furniture while having a bloated tummy.

♥ ♥ ♥

Anyway, all the Christmas decorations in Ikea had got me into a Christmassy mood.

I'm excited to bits for Christmas hehehehe the food, the games, the warmth of family, ohhhh I can't wait for 25th Dec


Went to school for OP practice again, can't believe the real one's on Friday.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Little boys with their porno. But this is their world, where can we go?

I don't feel like doing anything, not PW, not the econs project, just plain, good o' nothing.

Really hope things will get better.